Friday, January 22, 2010

Going Green to Save Green

I've been trying to become more enviromentally concious since Roman was born, I also want to limit what chemicals/toxins he's exposed to. On top of that, it tends to be cheaper! And honestly, I'm trying to save as much money as we can lately. So making my own cleaners has become sort of a necessity (it's also super easy). So I'm going to list a couple easy to use/make home products.

All Purpose Cleaner- 1:1 vinegar and water, in a spray bottle. I also add a couple drops of Tea tree oil and a squirt of Dr. Bronners. This is my go to cleaner for everything. Kitchen counters, stove, microwave. I used it the other day to clean up a pee mess, courtesy of the pug, on the carpet. I continue to find uses for it everyday.

Easy bathroom cleaner- Vinegar. put in spray bottle, done. I use it to clean the counters in the bathrooms, and our porcelin tub comes out sparkling.

Toilet Cleaner- sprinkle about a half a cup of Borax into bowl, pour about half a cup vinegar into bowl. Let it sit for about a half hour, clean. Your toilet will have never looked cleaner.

Bathroom tile scrub- Just plain vinegar doesn't work that well in our stand up tile shower in our master bath. so I make the following paste (I use an old tupperware) pour in some borax, vinegar, small squirt of Dr. Bronners. The amounts vary depending on the consistency you want the paste. I dip a sponge or scrubbing brush in it and the tile gets remarkably clean!

Laundry fabric softener- we have a front loader, so the detergent, and fabric softener have a slot thats pulled out, pour some vinegar into the fabric softener slot. Voila!

I'm continuing to test out more and more cleaners for various jobs around the house, so there will be more to come!

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